Web Site Builder

The only platform in the world that gives you the ability to create and manage:






Through a simple configurator!

Our configurator creates SITES and APPs directly for the "mobile" world!

Sites that are "optimized" for mobile aren't as fast as ours.

We had been doing for several years what Google enforced in 2016, years before they changed their algorithm. If you've been online for a long time, you know that in 2019 Google said they were changing the way they would index all new websites.

They introduced:

💥Mobile  -First Indexing  💥

Google Search now crawls the internet for mobile websites and puts them at the top of the search index.

While sites created with WordPress or other famous web builders are slowly falling or disappearing from search engines altogether.

Lots of features you can't find anywhere else

 Advanced referral system for selling products.

  Affiliate opportunity to resell our platform.

  Affiliate opportunity to resell the sites we create.

Flexible enough to benefit virtually every business


Merchants can sell their wares online

Digital agencies and freelancers can create


Customers purchase subscription plans online by creating

multiple cash flows and recurring revenue.


E-commerce, websites and applications for entrepreneurs

Perfect for drop shippers, merchants, B2B, digital agencies and resellers.


Open an online store to sell your products or buy the license to create:

 mobile and desktop websites   webapp applications   e-commerce 


❌ You don't need to be a technician.


Here are just a few of the more popular features of the Ecommerce Store Builder.


Adaptive Websites

Choose what you want to appear or not on desktop or mobile devices.

With Adaptive, you choose which page elements or content you want to display on desktop, mobile, or both. Adaptive is the new responsive. Your web pages will adjust to the size of the screen the page requires. Traditional responsive websites are slow. Adaptive is fast and can receive better page rank in Google and other search engines using Mobile First indexing.

We do not take percentages on your sale!

Payment processors integrated into the platform include; Stripe, PayPal with secure payment gateway.



as other e-commerce solutions do INSTEAD.

The importance of being mobile-first!

Your SEO Drastically Increases with a Mobile-First Solution.

A mobile-first website can improve a website's SEO and improve its position in search engines. Mobile-First is different from traditional responsive sites. They are adaptive and very fast.


 Sites created for mobile devices are preferred by Google Search.


Nearly 80% of websites are visited from mobile devices

Google Search now favors websites based on Google's Mobile First strategy and gives mobile first sites higher rankings in search.


So why are you still building websites with outdated site builders? WP also doesn't build the kind of sites Google prefers. Non-mobile-enabled builders create desktop sites first, then the sites are literally flooded with extra code to be responsive to fit smaller screens.


In 2020 this is no longer the correct method to build a website and Google penalizes sites built the old-fashioned way.

Why Mobile-First Performance..

Google's latest algorithm update focuses on Mobile-First indexing

It is undeniable that in 2022 the latest Google algorithm update will prioritize sites designed for "mobile" indexing.

These types of sites load faster and perform better on mobile devices, tablets, and other small displays.

Our platform creates mobile-first sites that are adaptive.


With Adaptive, the correct page is displayed based on the screen size that requires it. This removes all unnecessary code that could slow down page loading speed and is preferred by Google.


Google and others have moved to "mobile first"

Mobile-first indexing is now a reality

Indeed, if we look at Google's shares, it is undeniable that 2022 will be the year of page speed.

It's the year that the difference between fast and slow loading becomes the difference between showing up in search results (paid or organic) or disappearing altogether.

Mobile-First is Google's new indexing strategy which is now integrated into their algorithm. Website owners who don't move to a mobile-first site could soon disappear entirely from the search indexes of many search engines .

Mobile-First Indexing means that Google primarily uses the mobile version of the web page for ranking and indexing purposes. In 2018, Google explained that with Mobile-First Indexing, the URL of the mobile-friendly version of your site is indexed instead of the desktop version.

Mobile-First is different from responsive. Responsive is when pages created for desktop are scaled to better fit mobile devices. While the web pages created by Mobile-First are adaptive. Adaptive means that the correct page is rendered based on the view size that the page requires. Also, Mobile-First websites are designed to appear on mobile devices first and then the website designer finalizes the design for desktops. This method creates sites that load quickly on mobile devices since they were originally built for smaller screens. This is because coding is simplified when the mobile version is created first.

We offer the world's first Mobile-First platform for building Mobile-First Websites and PWAs (Apps). Other related products include our e-commerce platform, food ordering and menus, plus customers can create online e-learning courses and podcasts with RSS feeds. All hosting on AWS.

Nearly 80% of the website is now viewed from mobile devices.

Create additional recurring revenue streams by offering a line of Mobile-First indexing-based Internet marketing solutions;

A partnership can generate additional recurring revenue streams for your business. Both of our companies have clients who are entrepreneurs and we have solutions that will benefit both our partners and their clients. For more information contact us.


Create your mobile-friendly website in just a few clicks!

Users simply select the widget feature they need, drop it on their page, and add their own custom information. The widget can be dropped onto a page and then dragged into position..

The result is faster page design using easy-to-use widgets.


Additional feature widgets can be added to platforms as they become available. Not all widgets are included with all platforms, but they can be purchased as add-ons.

Your own e-store with QR code affiliate tracking system

Enable an affiliate program. Allow your buyers to get instant discounts on their purchases and earn on possible sales made by others!

It works perfectly with our PWA (WEB APP MOBILE) feature . A feature that can be added separately to platform accounts.


In 2020 this is no longer the correct method to build a website and Google penalizes sites built the old-fashioned way.

Cloud computing AWS

Webitaly services are hosted on the most secure and extensive global cloud infrastructure in the world.

AWS architecture is the most flexible and secure cloud computing environment available today. It offers much more services that allow our developers to build and introduce new features sooner.

AWS' core infrastructure is designed to meet security requirements for the military, global banks, and other highly sensitive organizations.

The AWS Region and Availability Zone model has been recognized by Gartner as the recommended approach for running business applications that require high availability.


COMING SOON… Academy Course Builder, Chatbots, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), Food Ordering Platforms, and Podcasts.